Teaching young children is a challenging task and to take up this challenge, aspiring teachers must have the willingness to teach small children. This willingness accompanied with the right skill set brings about holistic development in children.

One important aspect all the courses being offered in the market lack the new set of skills required by a teacher to deal with this generation. For example, the importance of play in a child’s life, phonics based approach to help a child become a confident reader, the right approach to teaching mathematics and many such areas are missing in traditional courses.

EDNEW Future helps a teacher learn new age techniques and practices being followed around the world which helps them stay updated on new methodologies and ideas for classroom implementation. This course has been designed by experienced academicians to cover areas like child psychology, principles of child education and management, working with children, curriculum planning, lesson planning, use of technology, educational practices around the globe, etc

Target Audience: (pictorial representation required)

  • Fresh Grade 12 Pass outs
  • Candidates changing fields (Changing career path after embracing motherhood, corporate job burnouts)
  • Aspiring Teachers
  • Teachers currently in full time jobs
  • Foreign Nationals

Various short term and long term certificate courses like (pictorial representation)

  • 1/2/3/4/5 day teacher training certificate programs
  • Certificate in Early Childhood Program
  • Advanced certificate in early Childhood Program
  • Nursery Teacher Training (NTT)
  • Primary Teacher Training (PTT)
  • Coordinator Empowerment Program (CEP)
  • Play School Leadership Empowerment Program (PLEP)


Developmental Milestones

Developmental milestones can be simply put as checkpoints in a child's development to understand the growth at a particular age. The main areas of developmental milestones include the role of physical, mental, social, language, and cognition at each stage in the child's growth.

Eclectic Approach

This refers to the use of multiple approaches through different subjects to help a child grow in all areas of development.

Thematic Curriculum

Thematic Curriculum is an approach which involves integrating different areas of a curriculum around a topic thereby making learning more relevant for learners.

Cross-Curriculum Approach

In traditional systems, all subjects are dealt with in isolation. While teaching one subject, using inputs from other subjects helps a child gain much deeper knowledge in learning concepts and skills.

Competency based approach

Most curriculums in India follow either knowledge based curriculum or skill based curriculum. Competency based curriculum refers to an amalgamation of knowledge, skill and attitude.

Social & Emotional Development

This refers to how a child deals with his/her own emotions and emotions of others when alone and around society.

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